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Friday, October 28, 2011

Favorite Nail Designs!

Although there are a huge amount of nail designs that we love we hare gathering a list of some of the designs that we think may just be the coolest for our clients!
        Rule #1      ~Must be fun       Rule #2      ~Must be cool  
                              Rule #3      ~Glitter always helps!

Stay tuned for the 2012 list!

Start A Team

If you are interested in starting a Polished Girlz team in your city please email volunteer services at polishedgirlz@yahoo.com and our support staff will contact you for additional information and orientation schedule.

Thank You for Your Interest!
                                               About Us

The “Polished Girlz” nail team was started by then 10yo Alanna J.Wall.  Born in 2000, Alanna truly is a new millennium girl. She wanted to combine her love of drawing and nail design for different projects and she knew that she was too young to volunteer at most organizations. Nevertheless, Alanna's compassionate spirit made her want to share her talents with young ladies that were hospitalized or not feeling quite as “polished”, so she decided to start her own organization. Add a mission of hand washing, infection reduction, and a few like minded friends, and the “Polished Girlz” were born. Born to Rock, Born to Shine, and Born to Serve!

Fast forward through year one, and what started as a single girl with a dream and her mom, has grown into hundreds of children served and almost 100 registered volunteers and counting! We are excited to continue with Alanna's vision as it spreads throughout the United States and are quite excited to Polish the girls of Ghana West Africa in June 2012, in conjunction with the Brown Learning Center.

The Polished Girlz are available to polish for hospitals, support groups, chemotherapy centers, dialysis centers, and private referred clients. Please feel free to contact us at polishedgirlz@yahoo.com for additional information.


Dayton Daily News -May 2011
WDTN Channel 2  -May 2011
Huber Heights Currier -May 2011
Goddess Girl Magazine -Summer 2011
United Way 2011 Campaign -August 2011
Dayton Daily News -September 2011
Vandalia Drummer Newspaper -September 2011
Buy Dayton -October 2011
New Moon Girls Magazine -November 2011
SoulKissesTv- Web communication article – November 2011


United Way Volunteer Organization of the Month- June 2011
Proclamation from the Mayor of the City of Dayton- May 2011
Khols Kids Who Care Scholarship July 2011
Kids are Heroes award October 2011
Kid of the Week –October 2011
Do Something.org Seed grant recipient – November 2011

Special Needs Organizations

The Polished Girlz serve at varity of communtiy organizations and support groups.It is our pleasure to serve these wonderful girls and teach them about the importance of hand washing. Our goal to "Polish" girls with Special Needs all over the United States and Abroad. We are excited that such a simple act of love can bring such happiness to both the clients that we serve and the youth volunteers that serve them. As an organization, the Polished Girlz seek to empower not only their clients, but their volunteers, by offering them opportunities to improve the quality of life, build invaluable leadership skills, and providing them with opportunities for community service, and most importantly to have our hand washing information reduce hospitalizations and infection rates among girls with special needs. Please contact us at polishedgirlz@yahoo.com for additional information.

 A partial list of organizations that we support and serve include:

The Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association

Children's Medical Center

United Rehabilitation Services

Muscular Dystrophy Association of Greater Dayton/Cincinnati

Summit Academy

Baby Elijah Fundraising Event

Private Special Needs Client

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Polished Girlz Organization. The Polished Girlz Organization is a 501c3 which means that your donations are tax deductable. Because this organization is Not for Profit we rely on the kindness and generosity of Community Members, Community Leaders, Kind Hearted Business and above all our wonderful volunteers.

We are proud of every volunteer that has taken the time to serve our clients or send a bottle of nail polish, all of those things are what make this organization work and one is not more than the other.

To make donations of supplies or gift of your  monetary donation, please mail  supplies, check or money order:
Polished Girlz
Po Box 60293
Dayton, Ohio

To join our group of wonderful volunteers or start a team, please email us at polishedgirlz@yahoo.com or give us a call at 937-559-9605.

Please Join our List of wonderful Corporate Sponsors and Partners and please visit their websites to view their products!

*2011 Grant Winner!*
Orly Beauty
Deborah Lippmann
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in the Polished Girlz Organization.
If you would like to contact us for any reason please feel free to email us at polishedgirlz@yahoo.com and someone will respond promptly.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Polished Party

Today we polished for the beautiful Girls of the Down Syndrome Association Happy Halloween Party. We polish for them every month, and every month we are excited about what stories our girls have, how well they are doing in school and how amazing their lives are. You see they have special needs but they are just as special if not more special than every other child that I have ever met. They had the coolest costumes ever, from Perfect Princess, to a Polished Pirate, a little ladybug, and a baby Buckeye (Go Ohio!)
I am grateful to Alanna for starting this organization to teach us all about caring for people that we would not have ever expected to meet, to care for and to love. I would like to think that these girls are just a chance encounter on life's road but I know that each and everyone of them will be a part of our lives forever. We went on a cruise and had to miss the month of August, while at sea Alanna remarked, "what about our girls, they will be waiting on us." The funny thing is that I felt the same way.
 You see, all my adult life I have been paid to be a nurse and I have had a remarkable life as a nurse, but I have never been so rich as working for this organization for free.
Happy Fall, Happy Halloween
~You go Girlz!
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