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Monday, April 4, 2011

Rated PG {Polished Girlz}- Glitter French Tip

Wow these are glitter french tips made fun and easy. This is one simple technique that all of the Polished Girlz team members should learn, here is a quick and simple tutorial of exactly how to create this look. For any team members that need practice nails please email us at polishedgirlz@yahoo.com! Good Luck Girlz


  1. I may attempt this on my daughter.... what a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now your newest follower!!!

  2. that is too cool! My nails are never long enough to try fancy polish (I bite 'em) but I do love sparkly toes!

    Thanks for dropping by my site - now following back!

  3. Airyn-elizabeth HuttMay 30, 2012 at 4:11 PM

    Dear Alanna, I'm in the fifth grade. Every year at my school, we have a speech contest hosted by Modern Woodman of America. This year's topic was "a time when volunteers have made a difference." I decided to choose Polished Girls! It was a fun expirience writing my speech. When I told my teacher the organization I was doing, she asked me what exactly you guys do. I told her and she said "AWW... How original?" she even used your volunteer organization as an example. I had to do lots of research on Polished Girlz. I got 100 on my speech! T respond back to me, you can email me, airyn.hutt407@yahoo.com . Alanna, you are putting a sparkle in our brushstroke at a time. :)


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