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Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Polished Party

Today we polished for the beautiful Girls of the Down Syndrome Association Happy Halloween Party. We polish for them every month, and every month we are excited about what stories our girls have, how well they are doing in school and how amazing their lives are. You see they have special needs but they are just as special if not more special than every other child that I have ever met. They had the coolest costumes ever, from Perfect Princess, to a Polished Pirate, a little ladybug, and a baby Buckeye (Go Ohio!)
I am grateful to Alanna for starting this organization to teach us all about caring for people that we would not have ever expected to meet, to care for and to love. I would like to think that these girls are just a chance encounter on life's road but I know that each and everyone of them will be a part of our lives forever. We went on a cruise and had to miss the month of August, while at sea Alanna remarked, "what about our girls, they will be waiting on us." The funny thing is that I felt the same way.
 You see, all my adult life I have been paid to be a nurse and I have had a remarkable life as a nurse, but I have never been so rich as working for this organization for free.
Happy Fall, Happy Halloween
~You go Girlz!

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